Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Scarlet and the Black...

We watched this movie over the weekend. For some reason C and I had all Nazi movies lined up in the que for Easter weekend. Nice.

Anyway, even though this was a made for TV movie.. it has some incredible performances by Gregory Peck and Christopher Plummer... simply amazing.

"The character of General Max Helm was based entirely on the real life of SS-Obergruppenführer Karl Wolff, who served in 1944 as the Supreme SS and Police Leader of Italy. The film was unable to use Wolff's real name, since the SS General was still living in 1981; he died in 1984." Wikipedia

Don't miss this one if you haven't seen it.. or revist it if it's been a few years.

1 comment:

  1. Your post made me laugh. Nazis and Gregory Peck something for both me and my husband.

    Sabina ~ barefoot in the orchard


    Happy Spring!!!
