Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Goop...

I can't help myself. And, I can't take it down until May... then, I'll have to think of some other goopy stuff to put up.


  1. Who cares anyways. It is such a springy lovely. Have a great day.

  2. I'm a big fan of keeping Christmas lights year-round (the white or yellow kind) so you have my full understanding :)

  3. Gorgeous! So springy -- I need some "goopy" springy stuff around here. I was just out raking the yard and saw some buds coming up - YEA! Can you say light at the end of the tunnel???

  4. Yeah! The good thing about your easter goop is that it is fun spring colors which are fairly common in your house so it will look great for a long time!

  5. I love your goop! So pretty. Are those wooden eggs on your windowsill?
