Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Tiger & The Snow...

This is the most darling film. My sister brought it right over the other day and told me to watch it. She knew I'd love it and I truly did. I'm not going to tell you a thing.. just watch. It will make you smile and cry.


  1. ooh, thank you, I passed by making a mental note to read it next visit (did not have my glasses with me). Now I can just grab it! :) I loved Life is Beautiful!

    With Kindness,

  2. Oh goody, I liked Life is Beautiful too. Looks good!

  3. Hi Tiffany,
    oh I must see that then! If it has Roberto Benigni in it then I think it would be great! Thanks for the tip! I love tips like this. Michelle gave me the Pushing Daisies tip and I adore that show!

  4. Steve likes Roberto. I'll have to tell him about this movie :)

  5. A story about true love. I thought it was so darling.

  6. Oooh I haven't heard of this, I'll have to watch it. Thanks for the recommendation.
