Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blue Renaissance...

Little c and I went out and around in the shops last Saturday...
and we noticed lots of blue here & there.
I love every rainbow bright color and blue is a favorite. (Those are my Hello Kitties by the way. There was a little misunderstanding when we moved a few years back and c had her own room. I had to explain that c had her own Hello Kitties, but these blue and red ones were mine and right in their proper spot. It was all cleared up right after it was explained with a big smile because C is the greatest husband in the world).
My mom brought me two of these little lovelies.. the tiny painted vase with pansies and the tiniest example of my best china.. the other things are from dear friends.
.. and this remarkably comfy chair is from my sister-in-law, who knew I'd love it. It seems that I haven't really decorated my own place now that I think about it, but I am ready for the Blue Renaissance that's coming.. (I'm keeping all my bright yellow from last year though.. love it!)


  1. I agree with you on the color blue...it's my favorite. Is that a bottle of Gingham perfume I see in the second photo? If yes, please tell me where you got it! I have a bottle with only a splash left and I've been saving it for years! We're talking at least 11 or 12 years. Great photos!

  2. Love the blue. It always looks so fresh.

  3. It is absolutely Gingham Perfume.. the eyes you must have to see that!.. and it's all yours if you want it.. no kidding I can't wear much perfume because I'm allergic.. the stuff gives me terrible headaches. :)

  4. Years ago, someone suggested to me that I cut out pictures from magazines of rooms that i like. Well, EVERY picture was blue and white. So, instead of fighting it, every room in my house has those as the base colors and I add other colors as I feel the need.

  5. blue is making a big come back...not that it was totally gone. But..now...some of the odd combos as well as the old tried and true. Good ol' blue...

  6. Blue is my favorite color. It always has been......it's one thing about myself that I absolutely know for sure! I'm not sure if I chose it when I was a little girl to be rebellious against pink....but I always knew the answer to this question. Fun to read a post dedicated to blue!

  7. Oh I do LOVE a blue and yellow house!

  8. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I've just had the best time browsing through yours and what a fabulous BLOG you have. Love all your painted boxes!
    Hope you won't mind me adding you to my favorites?!?!

    Have a blessed day.

  9. Je vois que tu as des choses dans votre maison qui ont des mots francais. Ca me fait penser que peut-etre tu preferes que quelques commentaires soit dans cette langue. Tu devrais m'excuser pour tous mes fautes de grammaire. Ca fait longtemps que j'ai parler comme ca!

    There you go: a French comment to go with your French decor items!

  10. You know I love all the blue stuff. Your blog is so fun. I'm telling you thank you for the darling cherry box from Rach. It's exactly like my favorite sticker. You are soooooo good! And most of all thank you for sending JJ the elephant box. She cried and was very touched and really appreciates it. It's just the right size of gift. She has to carry everything with her on her back that she owns. Thank you so much from Airman Adams Mom!!

  11. these are all the sweetest blue treats!! Love those cute pillows especially:):) Happy weekend Tiffany!! xox

  12. Blue is my favorite. I just bought some blue and white things from Carolyn Roehm. She has a pretty blue and white wedding on her sight. You will love it. You will love the wrapping paper I bought. Maybe I will use it at Alicia's shower. Since you might be using blue in your color theme.

  13. this is such a great post! thank you so much for sharing!
