Monday, January 21, 2008

More Spinning Spin Tops..

C went fishing Saturday and these tops happened while he was gone. I should have gone shoe shopping instead, little c has been wearing the same thing to church "forever!" not because she doesn't have the clothes.. her Nammy keeps her in fancy stuff, but her mom has neglected keeping up on the matching shoes bit. So, we'll go out today, if the snow stops, and see what we can find. I wouldn't want to cramp c's style.
I haven't thought of a good way yet to celebrate Martin Luther King day other than to reflect with gratitude that there have been so many great Americans who have been willing to sacrifice much so that all Americans can be free and equal. I don't think that we have achieved Dr. Kings dream yet, but I am hopeful.
However you celebrate today, I hope you have a good holiday.


  1. What cute tops! We are just relaxing at home having some play dates!

  2. Always nice to meet another Jane Austen fan! Thanks for stopping by! Love your stuff:)

  3. Hey, I watched the masterpiece theater piece last night. Soo good!

  4. Oh those are darling!!
    What a fun creation..

  5. Pretty tops. Keep me posted about the shoes!
