Saturday, January 19, 2008

Just let me brag for one second...

This cute cousin of mine, who looks like a model, signed up to serve her country and has just graduated from boot camp. Yep, she did all the hard stuff and has earned the right to wear the shiny new uniform. Her cousin Tif is so proud that she can hardly stand it and I just had to brag. Isn't she fabulous people?!?!?!?


  1. Absolutely Fab! And don't you people have any unattractive people in your family? I mean really! You should be proud, good for her and best of luck!

  2. Congrats to your cousin! She is lucky to have such a supportive cousin!

  3. She is the best and she is cute too but I am her sister so I am a little biased. I will be posting pictures today so you can all see her.

  4. Jo is great! Love her so much and it is an accomplishment to do boot camp that isnt an easy thing.
    I always thought that big brothers were to protect their little sisters...but now she is part the military that is protecting me...she is protecting me in a way i guess. Sort of backwords. I might form a complex about this.

  5. And there are pictures and video on my blog and mom's blog now

  6. She is fabulous! We are so proud of her. We love her! And are proud to be her relative.

  7. Congratulations toyour cousin.

  8. So fabulous. Congrats. How honorable.
