Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A Favorite Product...

Even though I have a water softener... hard water can be a problem in the kitchen/dishwasher. If you deal with that at all, ie. spots on the glasses or even a yucky smell in the glassware or even an in-efficient dishwasher... this stuff is the solution. You won't believe it and I promise no one is paying me to say that. I just stumbled over a blog that was talking about cleaning the dishwasher and remembered how I used to think about that before I found this stuff. You can also mix it with water and make a solution that will completely clean up hard water deposits in the shower etc.. It smells great too!

Afternoon light in the studio...

These are the boxes that I have been working on lately.
These don't have finish on them yet...
however.. they almost photograph better without. These above have finish...
Don't you love how the afternoon light comes in bathes the room in this beautiful light, highlighting my mini-plastic lawn ornaments... :)

Teusdays Giveaway...

This is the post. This is the post that you comment on to be part of the giveaway today! Yesterday the giveaway was about my favorite box. This box is the one that most people tell me is their favorite and so this box is going to be part of the giveaway today, which is a bit of a surprise, but has somthing to do with...

Cowboys and Indian Braves, Secret cupboards & Magical Keys... make sure to comment on this post to be entered in the contest....
Good luck to everyone!