Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A Favorite Product...

Even though I have a water softener... hard water can be a problem in the kitchen/dishwasher. If you deal with that at all, ie. spots on the glasses or even a yucky smell in the glassware or even an in-efficient dishwasher... this stuff is the solution. You won't believe it and I promise no one is paying me to say that. I just stumbled over a blog that was talking about cleaning the dishwasher and remembered how I used to think about that before I found this stuff. You can also mix it with water and make a solution that will completely clean up hard water deposits in the shower etc.. It smells great too!


  1. thanks for the tip

  2. yes, thanks! I'll try it out.

  3. Where do you get it?

  4. Up there where you are Rach, I would think you could get it kind of by the Cascade at Albertsons.

  5. One precaution.. make sure to wear gloves. This stuff will eat your skin off.

  6. Where do you get it aroung here tiff, ever-faithful bowmans?

  7. Most places I've looked carry it by the dishwashing powders.
