Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Teusdays Giveaway...

This is the post. This is the post that you comment on to be part of the giveaway today! Yesterday the giveaway was about my favorite box. This box is the one that most people tell me is their favorite and so this box is going to be part of the giveaway today, which is a bit of a surprise, but has somthing to do with...

Cowboys and Indian Braves, Secret cupboards & Magical Keys... make sure to comment on this post to be entered in the contest....
Good luck to everyone!


  1. Love the box... oh that book makes me miss my boys being little...

  2. Who doesnt go back to their childhood with that book? Didnt everyone want their toys to come alive!?! A definate classic.

  3. My cousin Michelle sent me here... your boxes are adorable!

  4. That box is so cute! I hadn't seen it before! (of course, I know my chances of be able to win again are close to none... but I wanted to say how cool you are for doing give-aways!!! what fun!

  5. I've been looking through your blog today. Wow! You are very talented!

  6. again, a very cute box!

  7. pick me pick me
    these are so cute

  8. My favorite might be the bluebird. But I don't think I would turn any down. :)

  9. Anonymous6:44 PM

    trying this for my mom-in-law giselle

  10. Camille, YOu are the Winner!!!
