Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Moxy Maxwell Does Not Love Stuart Little...

This is an AWESOME book that little c recieved for her birthday from Aunt Jenni, Uncle Rob and the RI cousins. She loved it! How do I know. "Mom! MOM! You have to hear this part!" ... about a hundred times. It's very cute! Little c is taking this book to school to see if her teacher will read it to the whole class.


  1. This is such a cute book! Oh... that Jenni and Uncle Robert....

  2. Sounds like a cute book!

  3. Oh goody, B is always looking for a new book!

  4. I will take a look next time at the bookstore.
    Thanks a lot for your message...we are all in the same boat, hu? I would not do wholesale either...unless they pay me the same.
    Happy Holidays, have fun and a great new year!!!

  5. Awwweeeeeeeeee!! Love! Must read!!! xxoxox

  6. Okay, brittany read this in one evening she loved it so much. She couldn't go to bed until she finished! Have a wonderful Christmas tomorrow!
