Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas to Me...

I have another book by Joan Walsh Anglund about Christmas called A Christmas Sampler. It's darling. I love her books and have collected a few. They don't stay in print long, which is something I really don't understand. Little c still loves them like I do. This one isn't in print either, but there was a used copy for $2.98 on Amazon. I love their used books, they just save the day.


  1. Adorable boxes below. The box with the glitter elephant is especially cute.

  2. I love her books too, that makes me want to go check amazon!

  3. Hey, I know you are all wrapped and done, but you have to check out the adorable tags Vanessa has on her blog to print! Print some for next year if nothing else, they are so cute!
