Monday, December 03, 2007

December Treats...

These are one of my favorite. We eat them around here like chocolates out of a box. Delish!


  1. I completely agree with you! Clementines are deliciious!

  2. Clementines are the best - so easy to peel and eat! I could gobble at least five in one sitting! Who needs chocolate when you have Clementines!?

  3. I currently have two boxes of these on my counter. We got through a box every few days around here.

  4. Same here. I give them as gifts. I just tie a big ribbon and bow around the wooden crate. We eat an entire box in one sitting!

  5. Shauna, I got some from my sister in law with a bow around them like you said for Christmas one year and they were one of my favorite gifts ever. We hadn't purchased this particular kind before and they are just so much fun. c love them tons! Great gift idea!

  6. I'm working on box #2 today!

  7. I thought My family was alone in our Clementine addiction. We haven't eaten anything else around here for days. Except egg nog! Circe
