Friday, November 30, 2007

Holly Claus The Christmas Princess...

Little c is reading the novel The Legend of Holly Claus and really loving it. I think that she would also enjoy this picture book. I was shopping at BN the other day and looked through this book which confirmed my view that some of our best art is found in Children's Picture books. Jeffrey K. Bedrick is the illustator of this book, and the pictures he's created are so imaginative.. simply amazing.


  1. Love the cover. The princess is so serene looking and beautiful. How could a person not want to see more of his work?

    See? this is what happens to me with "blog hopping" ... now I am driven to go and find sites that will show me more; more of Jeffrey K. Bedrick.... then it will probably lead to another artist...and so on.... another hour shot! But...what an hour.

  2. hey such thing as silly questions...

    a crock pot or electric frying pan would be much more energy efficient than using your oven. You can use much lower heat and it has a sensor that usually turns it off and on only when it needs to reheat.. so much small space to heat too. And, in my opinion, it is, sorta kinda, like using a baseball bat for killing a mosquito if you don't have more than one thing in the oven.. if you get my drift.

    A good heat conducting pan.. say, a copper core .. is great on a stove top. It holds heat so much so that you can turn off the burner and just turn it on every so often to reboil and turn it off again as well. So, another energy saver, and for soups..I like to leave on the lid as well.. to maintain heat and also all the flavour.

    wind bag me...yet again....

  3. Looks beautiful, B would like that too. Hey, good luck tomorrow!
