Thursday, November 01, 2007

An Educated Mind...

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought with out accepting it." Aristotle

I like this quote so much and it reminded me of this story about a judge in the U.K. who, in the interest of telling school children the actual truth, pointed out some inconvenient questions. A brave man.


  1. Thank you for pointing to this article! As everyone in my circle know, I lean very heavily to the right and do not like Al Gore. However, my issues with the movie have nothing to do with his politics but with the dishonesty and fear he is perpetuating for his own gain. I am so glad others are looking at the movie from a scientific perspective and seeing the flaws and demanding that the movie have some responsibility.

  2. Good article. Too often people don't want to consider both sides of a story. We must teach our children to do so.
