Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween...

I don't want to alarm anyone over much, but as you can see.. Pirates have run completely amok in our neighborhood...
they are performing the most unflattering orange die/dye jobs on unsuspecting passers by. Unfortunate. Terrible. Troublesome. And, I'm afraid to say that you may be spotting some of these mangy fellows in your own neighborhoods.
Thanks heavens Sheriff little c is saddling up and hopes to have every rebel rouser seen to, shaped up, reformed or tied to a tree by the morning of...
All Saints Day! Hooray! Everyone have fun and be safe.


  1. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Pirates? I love pirates!!!!! What a cutie and the cutie little wooden angel too!!!Happy day of fun and treats!!

  2. Just dropped in to say hi, I love the neighbourhood displays my children would love to see all that . I love the nice wooden angel to and all your little boxes too, please drop by and say hi
    X Dominique

  3. Happy Halloween!

  4. one of my favorite posts! Love the veiw of the neighborhood! and little c looks great--but where is the horse? Have fun tonight!

  5. one of my favorite posts! Love the veiw of the neighborhood! and little c looks great--but where is the horse? Have fun tonight!

  6. Great decorations, costume, and angel!

  7. The neighborhood looks fantastic! I love pirates. Little C looks cute with her pink hat!
