Monday, September 10, 2007

Sugar Bagels...

This is a simple breakfast treat. When I was little, my grandmother used to feed me what she called, "Sugar Sandwiches". They were white bread, butter and a sprinkling of sugar (not nearly as much as there is in jam.. if you think about it) Anyway, this is the version Little c likes... sugar bagels.


  1. My mom did the same thing! Only sometimes she would put it under the broiler and the sugar would get all cripy and brown. I still like that treat! Oh, and my mom bought these cinamon and sugar bagels from Smiths while I was there and they were one of the best things I have ever toasted. You gotta try them, I am still thinking about them and haven't found any like them. Okay, I have to go make sugar toast now, my mouth is watering!

  2. I make mine with butter and sugar and cinnamon. MMmm.

  3. You are so right about the amount of sugar in jam! I also added cinnamon to my toast and sugar. It was aptly named Cinnamon Toast.
