Monday, September 10, 2007

Boneston Elementary Class of 2007-2008

Little c runs a dog school in the play room. :) The dogs all lined up on Saturday to have their picture taken.


  1. What a lovely photo-shoot and the little ones are placed so nicely in front!

  2. Boneston Elementary...I LOVE it!

  3. That is so cute! What a fun class photo.

    I recieved my loveboxes order today and I loved them!!! Thanks so much. They are gorgeous.

  4. So sweet. I think Picture Day at Little c's dog school is a great idea!

  5. Is that cement painted????

  6. Yes.. good eye. Kilz primer, 2 coats of Benjamin Moore's best latex paint (it smells like dirty feet for a couple of days, but doesn't have that heady oil paint smell.. we didn't have enough ventilation for that) and then 3 coats of varnish.

    You can't wear shoes on it, but it wipes up great and I've loved it as a playroom floor covering.
