Tuesday, May 08, 2007


It seems that yellow gold is making a big comeback everywhere, but I still love silver best. During the year 1993, (the most current stat I could find with almost no effort) Mexico was the world's largest producer of silver followed by the United States and Canada. Large amounts of silver are mined in Rocky Mountains of North America and the Andes in South America. Nevada produces the most silver in the U.S.
Silver has been found in the tombs of ancient Egypt and has been used to make all kinds of ornamental items for thousands of years. It is the metal used to make more coin more than any other in history.
The artisans of Mexico have become very skilled in making silver into every imaginable piece of art and their jewelry is particularly lovely. There are beautiful things made currently and very unique vintage pieces like the swan necklace above which I found by making a favorite search on Ebay which goes... Sterling Silver +Mexico +vintage -coin ... ( I just want to see the pretty jewels). Have fun!

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