Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Chocolate... High on the list of good things from Mexico...

Chocolate!!! First known to be used and actually developed as a bitter drink by the Aztecs of Mexico... (This bar is a new favorite, but it's from the slightly less exotic land of Pennsylvania.) Aztecs happened to often use chili with their bitter chocolate and it is a fabulous combo.. (they believed that chocolate had some kind of use as an aphrodisiac or was helpful with fertility or something) If you happen to ever find yourself in SLC at the Red Butte Cafe... don't miss the Aztec Chocolate & Chili Torte... delish! Eat it with a sweetheart, you never know, those Aztecs could be right! ;) See a fun history of chocolate here.


  1. For Valentines day I made a dark chocolate fondue and the recipe called for a bit of cayenne pepper. Super yummy!!

  2. I've been wondering if this new chocolate candy is worth a I know!
