Wednesday, May 02, 2007

May Flowers...

May is here and that gets me to thinking of May flowers. Little c told me a joke yesterday... what do April showers bring.... May flowers.... what do May flowers bring.... pilgrims... ha! ha!
I really enjoy all the books of Barbara Milo Ohrbach, but since I adore quotes... I love these tiny gift books she does best of all.
"Lastly, love your flowers. By some subtle sense the dear things always detect their friends, and for them they will live longer and bloom more freely than they ever will for a stranger."
Julia S. Berrall
"Die when I may, I want it said of me by those who know me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow." Abraham Lincoln
"Green fingers are the extensions of a verdant heart." Russell Page


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I love the first quote. I will remember these when I am tending to my new garden.

    Cherry xx

  2. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Hi Tiffany...
    LOVE your blog!!!

    You have been tagged!!!!
    Come visit my blog for more information!

    Join the FUN!!!

    Hugz, Dolly

  3. I've got Barbara Milo Ohrbach's book about scented projects for the home. My mom and grandmother and I were crazy about it when it came out. Gramma used to make little cornstarch drawer sachets, and lavender water :)
