Wednesday, May 02, 2007

7 Wierd Things About Me...

I was tagged by Dolly... Hi Dolly!!!
1. I love sharpie pens... oh how lovely they are.
2. I am obsessed with bright colors... brown makes me a little sad.
3. According to C, I share a strange undocumented sign language with my family that few others can comprehend. (he's learning)
4. I try not to buy books, I try to go to the library a lot... but I cannot help my-self.
5. Books on tape from the library are one of life's greatest things... how wonderful to have someone to read you a story...
6. I get car sick, if I'm not the person driving.
7. The cute little furry pet that you likely have... yes, I'm terrified of it. If a sweet kittycat or even a cute little doggy rubs against my leg, I am likely to climb the wall boards with my finger nails.. Due to allergies I think. I often have nightmares where cute fuzzy creatures try to get me. It's very embarassing.
I am supposed to tag seven people so I tag... Rachel and Aunt Jackie, Shelese and Jenni and Janice and Natalie and Lindsey...


  1. Oh...the car lot in life!

  2. I'm obsessed with Sharpies! They're also the first sign to me that I am pregnant--my Sharpies start to smell funny.

  3. You are have 7 very similiar wierd things except fortunately, I have never been car sick.

  4. So what does it mean to be tagged? That I now have to confess my 7 things? There isn't enough room...

  5. I'm all about the Sharpies, too! I prefer ultra fine points.

  6. Aww, you're not so weird. I mean, what's not to love about a sharpie. What if a little puppy brings you a sharpie...would you take it?

  7. #3 reminds me of a longtime friend of mine who is SO close to her siblings that they don't need to talk. They can read each other's minds or something. I remember this one time that we'd decided to go out and eat at a Mexican restaurant after we finished watching a TV show. When the show ended, they'd all changed their minds without speaking about it!

  8. Alright--you may have to keep on me about this. But I promise I will do it!!

  9. Okay, I do know you well enough to be surprised that you could even stand to post those cat eyes!

  10. Shauna.. I'm sorry.. it truly stinks.
    Diana.. that's funny.
    Janice.. which one isn't the same? :)

    Rach... you must now confess.
    Blue House Mom... the ultra fines are the ones..
    Diane D... very funny! :)
    Lill... that's hilarious.
    Lindsey.. no pressure
    Michelle... they are unsettling aren't they :)

  11. Wow that bad of allerigies. I guess it is good that you do not have any pets.
    Sharpies? I think it a crafters thing or maybe just a girl thing...but hey explosions and fire are a guys thing so wich is better? Lol!

  12. Rach,
    You said that there isnt room. That reminds me of the time Monk got a new shrink and they said to fill out all phobias and he had to have at least three papers front and back and that wouldnt cover them.
    Ha i love Monk!

  13. My mom has her 7 things up on her blog now!
