Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Lorna Doone...

My plan has been that I have reserved the long A&E Pride and Prejudice for the big laundry/ironing days and the shorter Hollywood movie for short laundry days. This has worked out great for me because you know.. I have them both memorized so if I have to leave the room to load the washing machine, I can just recite the missing lines and not miss a moment. But since I have now seen both of those films like 5,731 times... I'm not saying that I have tired of them yet because I certainly have not. It's just that, every once in awhile I need a new period drama with pretty frocks and romance into the bargain. While nothing measures up to the previously mentioned, this is a good one as well. The heroine is smart and lovely, the hero is brave and handsome and all the villains are villainous.


  1. I haven't seen this one, thanks for the recommendation. So far I haven't reached the end of my love of P&P (the A&E version of course). When nothing else will do, it's the one I will watch. I like the newer one too, with Keira Knightly.

  2. Never seen this one. Thanks!

  3. I haven't seen this one yet either, but I LOVE Richard Coyle, so I'm gonna have to add this to the netflix queue.

  4. Have you seen Masterpiece Theater's 'Wives and Daughters'? A friend recommended it to me and I LOVED it. It's one of those "if you liked Pride and Prejudice..." -- same style, costumes, music, etc. Check it out sometime if you haven't already!

  5. You use your time so well!

  6. Amy, I am blogging about that this week. My daughter and I are in the process of getting all the school stuff taken care of right now so that we can watch part 2 with popcorn tonight. I love it too. If you can be patient with the first 30 minutes while they get the characters set up, it's a fairly riveting Victorian drama after that.

  7. Shauna, thanks... I wish. I once read that ironing burns over 100 cal. per hour. I'll have to check on that. I hope it does something. I do find it relaxing though.

  8. oh, yay! I enjoy your reviews. I'm looking forward to it.

  9. Hi Tiffany, thanks so much for your visit. I did not see this one. Thanks for sharing. I love your boxes, they are really pretty!
