Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Diane Rehm Show...

Several people have mentioned Diane Rehm to me in the last few months. My sister Alicia, who knows me best sent messages like, "turn the radio on... now." She was right; the show was facsinating. Newt Gingrich was the guest of the program. I wish that I had not tuned in late because Alicia said that I missed the segment about stem cell research.

The show had its own drama to it because Mr. Gingrich had promised to stay for the full hour and at the last minute said that he would only be able to stay for forty minutes. Ms. Rehm was quite furious with him; hers is a live program. I hope that he had a really good reason for leaving her in a spot, but he did not explain.

If Mr. Gingrich wanted to know what people would say behind his back as soon as he left, tuning in, he would have heard an ear-full. His personal life is full of land mines. He, like so many of the candidates in both parties, has some serious electability problems I think (for the record, he is not yet officially running). It will be interesting to see who pulls ahead out of the pack.

I thought that Diane's questions were very thoughtful and I liked that she gave her guest the time to answer them thoughtfully. My only critisism is the same one I have for many journalists; they cannot help but spoon feed their audiences the outcome of an interview. I am far too independent and I don't enjoy being told what to think. I love when someone will simply ask the tough questions and then let me decide for myself. Still, I was very impressed with the questions that she asked and I tuned in to quite the drama. Is it on every day? If it is, I will be listening.

Did anyone see the debate last night? I would love to hear your thoughts... I know politics aren't part of polite conversation, but I don't see why it should be that way. As long as you speak politely, I will be respectful of your views be they red, blue or green. :) I still might disagree, but I will be repectful. Really.


  1. The Diane Rehm show lasts longer than you think. I was the same way at first. They have a break about half-way through for some news and then it comes on again with a different topic usually so the stem-cell research debate came after. The book they featured was "Everything Concievable" or Anything Con...or something. Anyway, it sounded really interesting. I'm glad you've tuned in! It's great.

  2. I watched the debates and really liked how the hosts didn't let the candidates dodge any questions. I really liked that.

    I like Mitt Romney... I need to look into why he has "flip flopped" so much I guess though, since it's bugging everybody else out there :).
