Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Eastery Things...

I love Easter colors. I love eggs, chicks and bunnies.
I love spring flowers. I painted this box in 2004. I gave one like it to Alexandra Stoddard to celebrate what was then her new book, Things I Want My Daughters to Know, which is still a favorite. It has yellow daffodils on the cover.
I made these eggs last spring and Emily reminded me of them in this post.
Little c's candy from Nammy.
I like this cute bucket and bunny that I picked up yesterday at Sur La Table.


  1. My Easter love boxes are the highlight of my Easter decorations. Several friends and neighbors have asked about them.

  2. Thanks Janice. I am happy to hear that!

  3. Love the ones you made last year..and OF COURSE I love the Love Boxes.

  4. I just wanna pet that bunny, he looks so velvety :)

  5. So cute! I want to snuggle that bunny too!

  6. happy easter!
    love your blog
