Thursday, April 05, 2007

Butchart Gardens...

When I went over to my parents home a few days ago, my dad gave me The Butchart Gardens 2007 Calendar. It is so beautiful and so dangerous to look at. Now I find myself dreaming of getting back to those beautiful gardens contantly. C and I went on our honeymoon trip to BC especially to visit these gardens and I have visited there on two other occasions, but now I want to visit again. Bristish Columbia is one of that most beautiful places I have ever traveled to and now I have this wonderful resource which is Lilli's blog that has so many fun ideas for places to shop and to visit. (The image above is from the Butchart Gardens site.) If you are looking for a wonderful place to visit... think of these gardens and you won't be sorry... the rose gardens are blooming in June....
Where else can you travel to visit an amazing garden?


  1. Oh look, there's my name! Thanks for the link :)

    Sometimes people ask Vancouverites how we tolerate all the rain. I usually answer that on the few days that it's not raining, Vancouver is spectacularly stunning.

    The rest of BC has different weather patterns. As you go East by about an hour, they have snow in the winter, real heat in the summer, not nearly as much rain as us. And the islands are a whole different story.

  2. Anonymous10:29 AM

    It is just stunning! Oh, do dream and flow throught those gardens....I need a honeymoon there myself....Well, maybe some honey and a full moon....LOL.. hee heee..

  3. Wow, what a beautiful picture. I want to go there!!

  4. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I love those gardens!

  5. I remember when we went on vacation to Butt Chart gardens. Good times.
