Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What a difference a day makes...

My lovely forcythia bloomed out in all it's glory. Forcythia is like the golden trumpet announcing the arrival of spring. I love it! My brother-in-law says that when you see the forcythia bloom, that is the time to put the fertilizer on the lawn. I am not an expert gardener myself, I did kill the lilac that I planted... it may have died of kindness because I worried over it so much, however this forcythia grew to be 10 feet tall in 3 years with no fuss. Maybe it has the perfect spot, I don't know. It makes me so happy.
It was a quiet afternoon around here yesterday, because everyone else went fishing and so I was able to accomplish a lot on these Easter boxes... which cross your fingers, I will be showing you tonight as part of the Wednesday giveaway. They will also be available here & here.
This was not made yesterday, but I love this painting. I think I have a little Matisse in my family.
This came in the mail. It is so lovely inside. I always look forward to the holiday issues.
So then, I was inspired and finally got all the Valentines down and most of the Easter stuff up. I really want something like this, which would really improve on all the blah paint I have going on down here, but I need the colors to be brighter, ofcourse.
If you happen to be up really late, swing by here again and you will be able to sign up for the Wednesday Giveaway that will go through tomorrow. Have a happy day.


  1. Yeah Spring! It all looks so gorgeous! Love that little artist at your house!

  2. the yellow things that are hanging, what are they? they remind me of lemon drops!

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Okay, let me just say.. look at how productive you are!!!! And a Springy day! Yippee! And, where the heck is my Martha????It did not come yesterday! Annnnnnd, I am in the process of said hanging! Only, my own wacky version!!!! Umm, "everyone was fishing?" What a dreamy phrase. No fishing in my neck of the woods.....

  4. Jenni, those are just eggs that have fake forsythia stuck on. I thought they were cute.

    Vanessa, I am married to a budding fly fisherman who bought my daughter a pole and so off they go and they come home sun tanned, exhausted and happy... so it's all good. I am hoping this will be something they'll love to do together.

  5. You are making me miss spring blosoms and wish I was coming out for Conference next week! I have forsythia wreaths on my front doors. Love them!

  6. LOVE your chandelier! (sp)? Also, feel bad for all those people blogging and pining for Easter boxes, when I can just go to my front room table and enjoy in person! I love them.

    I also love your blossoms and reference to them announcing Spring.

  7. You are amazing!! I love the Easter display.......... also, the boxes are great..... do you do commissions?

  8. I am up way past my bedtime. I just found your blog....you are very creative. You go girl.

  9. You've really got the hang of this Spring thing, with all the pastel colours :)
