Monday, March 19, 2007

Do not miss Mo's post ... The Politics of War...

See it here.


  1. I LOVED your book suggestions. I have not read Gilead, but have read Peace like a River and the others. Crossing to Safety is my all time favorite. Wallace Stegners widow was in my MIL's book club for years...have you read his book of short stories? I named my daughter after a book character too. We ARE alike.

    We are ment to be friends I think (except that I cannot paint any kind of boxes, especially lovely ones).


  2. I liked your little bro. Mo's post too. I commented even... did I sound like the wanabe-politically-smart-girl that I am. :) ptc was bugging me and then i read his blog... he's a crack up, I quite like him now. ha.
