Friday, May 30, 2014

Surprised By Joy...

The hardness of God is softer than the kindness of men and His compulsion is our liberation. ~C.S. Lewis

I have been interested in reading this book for quite some time. When I finally got it, I gobbled it up. All I knew was that a friend of mine uses the title as an expression. I didn't realize that it was secret code for finding the love of God in all kinds of places.

What surprised me is that C.S. Lewis made his conversion to Christianity largely from the writings of great Christian writers. I don't know why; had I thought about it, it makes complete sense.

I feel like this book was put in my path in this time to complete a thought of my own that has been materializing over the past two years of my personal battle with Common Core.

One issue with Common Core Standards that is causing me greater angst as I speak with parents and students is the 50/50-70/30 ratio in favor of "informational text". History is being taught and tested as "informational text". When we do that, we are teaching history out of context as a piece of writing. It won't be learned that way. And, because it is replacing a piece of literature, that won't be learned either. This is effectively the quietest, but most resourceful book burning scheme in history. #stopcommoncore #utahleg #utahpol

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