Friday, July 29, 2011

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels: At Hale Center Theater...

Kyle Olsen & Angela Jeffries who brilliantly played Sydney Carton & Madam Defarge in Hale's production of Tale of Two Cities (which I hope they will bring back very soon!) were cast as Freddy Benson & Christine Colgate. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt and my face was sore.

The cast and crew at Hale are very hard working. They do 3 performances on Saturdays! The Ensemble must have had 10 costume changes. And, the dance numbers were spectacular. This wasn't a show for wimps. The set designers and the costumers at Hale knocked it out of the park! Lucky Angela got to wear about 6 different, lovely yellow frocks and you should have seen her matching orange luggage!

Now that you're all excited to see the show.. I hate to say that I went on the very last day... :( I won't do that to you next time. But, I hope to see Kyle and Angela in a new show very soon... They are such great talents.. I worry that Utah won't have them for long.

1 comment:

  1. I just made our reservations for Joseph for the whole fam! I am so excited!
