Monday, June 13, 2011

Little Timmy...

I have a lot of news good and bad. The bad news is my little nephew Timmy is scheduled for surgery tomorrow. He will have part of his colon removed. I wish that he didn't have to have it. He is so tiny and I'm asking that you remember him in your prayers.. he's been in our own every moment. He's been through a whole lot in his first little week of life and we already love him so much. Since we are major nervous wrecks anyway, I'm really proud of Alicia. She's been really tough. The good news is that we are very hopeful he will make a quick and full recovery.

The more good news is that brother Stephen was quoted in the New York Times today. (An article in Brigham Young University Law Review last year speculated that Justice Breyer, who attended Oxford, may turn to the O.E.D. “out of nostalgia for his alma mater.”) Stephen's paper for the BYU Law review... The Dictionary Is Not a Fortress: Definitional Fallacies and a Corpus Based Approach To Plain Meaning is simply brilliant. We're very proud of him.

Life is a roller coaster... sometimes I feel like you can't possibly hold on tight enough.


  1. Tiff, I've been keep tabs on this little guy through Christine. I'm so sorry to hear he is having a rough time. I hope all goes well tomorrow. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. Hugs, loves, and kisses to you all!

  2. Timothy and ALL of you are in our prayers. If c needs rides this week, I'm your girl!!

  3. Thank you dear friends. I love you.

  4. I am so glad you are keeping us up to date, I have been thinking and praying for them all. I hope the surgery goes quickly and well and they can put this behind them. He is such a beautiful baby!

  5. P.s. Congrats to Stephen! Life is crazy!

  6. Dear Friends.. Thank you for your prayers.
    Update from Dad...

    Dear family and friends:

    As reported earlier, Timothy underwent surgery on Tuesday, June 14, to remove the lower part of his large intestine diagnosed with Hirschsprung's disease. The operation (albeit long, and including an appendectomy) was successful.

    Subsequently, the doctors first had to assess whether Timothy would recover from the long (5 hours) surgery and breathe on his own again. On Thursday morning, Timothy was breathing normally and they were able to remove the respirator. Timothy did well.

    Secondly, they had to begin to feed him orally, in tiny but increasing amounts, and assess whether he would keep his food. He began to gulp down everything they would let him have orally.

    Thirdly, they had to assess whether his GI tract would "wake up" and begin to function normally. By Thursday evening, it appeared that he not only had assumed a voracious appetite, and was able to keep everything down, but his GI tract had "awakened" and was functioning normally.

    By Friday morning, he had progressed to the point where the doctors were talking of discharging Timothy on Monday, June 20. By Friday evening, they were talking of discharging him on Sunday, June 19. Through the night, and by Saturday morning, he was doing so well, on all fronts, (and rears), that the doctors determined to release him to go home today, Saturday, June 18.

    Because of Timothy's rapid decline in the first day after his birth, the gravity of his condition which necessitated his being life flighted, and the extended surgery required, but also because of his amazingly rapid recovery and his very quick achievement of normal levels in all dimensions of his condition, Dr. C.. and other doctors and staff there refer to Timothy as their "miracle baby." And we do as well.

    Brandon and Alicia have learned some things we sometimes wish that no one had to learn. They will cherish life, and have reverence for how very fragile it is, to a degree probably not otherwise possible. Our Father, who "knows all things" (2 Nephi 9:20) and "has all power" (Mosiah 4:9; Alma 26:35), and who can do and does do "whatsoever He wilt for the [eternal] benefit of man" (Ether 3:4), is in charge. He could have answered our prayers either way. We are grateful that, in this instance, He chose to make this little one well, and to restore him to us again.

    Please accept my love and thanks for your prayers and faith for this little one, and your many expressions of encouragement for Brandon and Alicia. And on behalf of Brandon and Alicia, thank you.

    Warm regards,


  7. I read this post after the surgery already took place, and will pray for Timothy's continued growth. What a wonderful update from your father. I see now one possible source of your amazing means of expression. Love to your nephew! (I have a soft spot for the name Timothy; it is the middle name of oldest son.)
