Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ken Burns Lewis & Clark...

We missed part of this when it originally aired on PBS. It's beautifully done. (Craig told me that he would love to follow the Lewis and Clark trail to the ocean someday. I told him that he and his new wife would surely have a great time. Has he not noticed that I'm "indoorsy"...) anyway... It's beautiful. I loved Stephen Ambrose's book Lewis & Clark: Voyage of Discovery. I read it some time back, but it was amazing to see some of the sights they enjoyed in their travels. Ken Burns has sure made a fantastic career for himself. Fun!


  1. What?! Comes SEE US!! We can take you to see some Lewis and Clark stuff out here. There is a park here with some of the first trees ever planted in the area (basically, this place had NO trees when Lewis and Clark went through it). They are huge! Then after we can go inside and have a nice snack. :-)

  2. That sounds like my way to see it all!

  3. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could just drop what we're "doing" and follow history everywhere? Perhaps we could pay homage to Coach Gardiner and Mr. Russell at some point. Too much to do and too little time!

  4. Seriously, you guys should plan a road trip out here this summer to see my new baby. From your house to our house there are lots of Lewis and Clark stops. And then you could just keep driving all the way to Vancouver, Canada. We can clear out Glo's room so you guys could have a private room/and basically your own bathroom. We'd love to have you here!! :-)
