Friday, April 01, 2011

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle...

This picture is dear to my heart. It's not just that it's a photo of two of my very dear friends. (They happened to be related by marriage.) The photo shows them with their calendars. They are planning and coordinating to see that each of their children (there are 10 between them) gets to music lessons, doctor appointments, school, plays, and all of their other activities. They make sure there is time for the most important things. They ensure that family needs are met. They take care of extended family and friends and neighbors and church responsibilites. These two do about as much good as people can do and not collapse. They make it work some pens and calendars and organization and big, big hearts. And, what they accomplish is amazing. When I think of the legacy they are creating at the kitchen counter.. It moves me to tears. I have many friends who do this every week. Here's to you my friends. You rule!


  1. I am constantly grateful for our group of girls. You are all astounding!

  2. Tiffany, you are such a great friend. Thank you! I love that picture, too. We all keep each other on our toes, don't we?

    P.S. I read half of the book and gave it to Sarah to read while we're gone. I want to finish it, though. I thought she had some great insight! Good for lunch discussion!

    See you soon!

  3. How did I miss this post? I heard about it yesterday at lunch and had to go back and find it. You are too kind. I am in awe of the gifts that each of our friends possess. I learn much from our every interactions. Who knew lunch could be so insightful. Thanks so much for your friendship.
