Monday, March 21, 2011

Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly

I was a little surprised to learn that this book is considered YA fiction. I would probably read it with my teen if she were interested in reading this book. Because, the book covers some heavy topics: teen suicide, abandonment, death of a child, teen sex, drug abuse and depression. However, it is never overly graphic and it tries to help the reader have empathy for someone who is literally falling apart.
I sat down and read it in a single shot. It's a clear-your-schedule-and-make-some-couch-time-because-you-aren't-going-anywhere book.
Side-by-side, the book tells the stories of two troubled teens, one modern and one living during the French Revolution. The plot is complex and exciting, but it's also well researched historical fiction. I learned some things about the French Revolution that I didn't know before and Donnelly paints a fascinating picture of the time.
If you liked the book, The Thirteenth Tale... This book feels like that one... Surprises, great characters, tight writing. It's good stuff.


  1. I have been looking for reading material. Thanks for the suggestion :)



  2. We'll have to pass it along at lunch!
