Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dial M for Murder...

This was the Netflix pick for Friday night. It's not as good as Rear Window or To Catch a Thief, but we hadn't seen this one. The set is beautiful and the costumes are amazing. It was just scary enough for c, but not too scary. We all loved it!


  1. That dress is pretty sweet. You and Dad and Jackie all love old shows. I don't watch old shows. If it wasn't made in 2005 or recent-er I'm out. However, I saw that Gone With the Wind was on cable and I recorded it because 1) it's Valentine's Day weekend and I thought "what's more appropriate than watching the demise of a southern plantation?" and 2) I don't think Brandon has seen it and it might be kinda fun to see it together. We'll see how it goes.

  2. i totally forgot about this film...i think we'll have to watch it this weekend!
