Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Very Secret, but True Story of Santa Claus...

Once there was a man who loved Jesus very much. His name was Nicholas. He did everything he could to follow the words of Jesus. He tried to be kind. He tried to feed and clothe the poor. He looked after the widows and orphans. He visited those who were sick and those who were imprisoned. The more he did these things, the happier he was. The greater his happiness, the more he knew that Jesus was real and that Jesus Christ was his friend.

It wasn’t very easy for Nicholas because during the time he lived, there were so many desperate people in terrible need all around him. Many of them suffered greatly. The people didn’t have nice homes like so many people do now. They were easily cold and easily hot. They didn’t have taps to draw clean water from and it was considered a great luxury to be able to eat every day.
Nicholas noticed that of those who suffered, often children suffered most. Every day he did some little kindness to help alleviate the discomforts of the children. He brought them food and helped them when they were sick. He played with them and smiled at them. Nicholas remembered the words of Jesus when he said, "if ye do it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" and "suffer the little children to come unto me."

Nicholas was given a gift, a special feeling in his heart and he knew how much Jesus loved the little children. As Nicholas did everything he could to bless the children, they came to love him very much and they knew that Nicholas loved them.

It is said that Nicholas became a great and wealthy man, but that he used all his wealth to bless the lives of those who needed help and that in the end he had given away a great fortune.
Like other men, Nicholas passed away. I don’t know how, but one day he got old and sick and his human body died. I am sure that there were many, many people who were very sad and that all the children missed him very much.

... But this is where the magic of Santa Claus begins. Magic that has lasted a thousand years.

Because St. Nicholas, or Santa Claus left a legacy for all of us more magical than flying reindeer or toy factories at the North Pole. That magic is made of a love and of obedience to the words of Jesus. Each of us can, by following the words and example of Jesus, make a little magic for those around us. It can be as small as a smile or a surprise wrapped in a pretty package or as big as an act of kindness or service that helps someone who needs help.

When we place gifts under the tree, in Christmas stockings, or on the sofa in Santa’s name, we become part of Santa’s secret magic. We show love, we give a quiet kindness with no fanfare and no credit. And, like Santa Claus, we honor the name of the Savior who loved children and whose birth we celebrate on Christmas day.

Is Santa Claus real. YES! He is real as long as we continue to remember where his magic comes from....
So... I have question for you... Would you like to be one of Santa’s helpers??

Yes!?! I thought so.

Then, follow me....

We love you...
Merry Christmas...
Love Mom & Dad...


  1. I love this! Thanks, Tiffany.

  2. I'm going to share this with Ellison - I've still had a dilemma about the Santa thing. Thanks for passing this along.
