Friday, January 15, 2010

Leap Year...

You won't believe this and neither can I because I don't even know when was the last time I went to the movies (the full price movies especially)! However, I have seen this film in the theater TWICE. It's a cheesy, formulaic romantic comedy, but WHO CARES!!! I loved it, it's funny and happy and it has pretty clothes and beautiful country side and I can listen a long time to a beautiful Irish brogue. Go see it!


  1. I totally want to see it thanks for the review maybe I can go this week!

  2. I really want to see this flick. My brother said it's a great girls night flick. (Actually I think his exact words were, "Go see it with your girlfriends because it will make your husband want to stab his eyes out." That's two glowing recommendations!)
