Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Call Northside 777...

I am a huge, HUGE fan of Jimmy Stewart... but I had never seen this gem of a film. I don't want to say much.. because I don't want to give any of it away. It's sort of a mystery. James Stewart plays a reporter who is assigned to write a story on a convicted cop killer. Stewart is a great writer and the public is quickly enthralled in the story. Is the man innocent or guilty? Really well written until the very end.. but that doesn't spoil a fabulous mystery. I really thought it was riveting.
It's the perfect family film for the over 10-12 crowd. It's a G, but the plot is a bit complex for the really young.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Stewart is a pretty good actor and I havent heard of this one before I will have to check it out!
