Friday, September 11, 2009

Why Giving Matters...

Thanks to Janice, who passed this along. This is a brilliant article by a Catholic Economist...
Hope you'll read it. HERE...

"Americans give a lot. In 2006 they gave about $300 billion to charity. To put that into perspective, $300 billion is more than the entire national income of Sweden. Seventy-five percent of America’s families give every year. Fifty percent volunteer their time, and Americans give in myriad other ways that are not captured in data.
The most charitable state in the United States is Utah, where people give approximately twice as much as the second leading state. I’m tempted to say that that should make Utahns proud. But I suppose that’s not the right word. However, it should make you pleased—and determined to keep it up. "


  1. I saw that article and thought it was amazing. (But wait, does that mean that we're not ALL Britney Spears-loving wannabees who are self-centered and rarely brush our teeth?)

  2. Oops - I am signed in under my daughter's account - hence the Hermione. !?!?

  3. I love this article. I have seen a few interviews based on this article.
    Very Very true. Thanks for a reminder to look at this and share this again.

  4. Thanks for reminding me of the good in the world!
    I had a quick question about a love box. I wanted to get another China doll box for the same little cousin but not the same box. (I hope that makes sense!) Is there anyway to know which one I bought before?


  5. That reminds me of this- I especially love the part (I haven't made sure it's on the video though) about how a poor village in Mexico raised money to help the victims of Hurrican Katrina. The villagers lived in nothing more than a cardboard box while the victims complained about trailors!

    And John Stossel is joining FOX. Yay!
