Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sinful Brownies...

My basic brownie recipe is adapted from Better Homes & Gardens...

Fudge Brownies
1 cup butter
4 squares semi-sweet choc. squares (I use Baker's)
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
2 tsp. good Mexican Vanilla (Blue Cattle Truck is my favorite)
1 1/2 cup unbleached flour

Melt choc. & butter over low heat. Remove from heat and mix in remaining ingred. Bake in a 9X13 pan for 30 mins. at 350 degrees. (Do not over-cook)

That's the basic recipe.. and it's fun to play with. You can melt a bag of Guittard mint chips and spread that and then some choc. frosting over the top.

You can add milk, semi or dark choc. chips. I love Guittard choc... it's the very best and this dark choc. is no exception. So how about adding 1 cup dark choc chips to the batter and 2 cups of whole pecans. ... Sinfully delish.

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