Friday, September 25, 2009

Mmmm... Pie.

I once attended a Sunday School lesson where the class was taught about the 5 love languages. It was a very good lesson. When it was over, I came home and told C about it and asked him what kind of things made him feel loved most of all. If you know anything about the 5 love languages.. it's a hard choice.. Who doesn't like gifts, help, hugs or words of appreciation?
Anywho, C said that he would have to think about it. A week later he said, "Pie... pie is how I like to be loved."
I have a couple of good pie recipes. I love Toll House Pie. I make fabulous Choc. Chip Pecan Pie.. do you see a theme here?
I even got a great recipe from my neighbor for a fabulous fresh peach pie, but I don't really make fruit pie after that..
But, the Pie Pantry does. You have to remember this for next summer. They make great pie and now they are making these darling pie pockets which are simply heaven. Don't miss one next summer.. Put a pie pocket at the top of your to do list! It will make you feel loved. :)