Friday, August 07, 2009

It may seem like a bad time but...

It may seem like a bad time to promote items, businesses and services on this blog. We are in a depression and no one I know is feeling materialistic. Save, save, save is the mantra of the day. We are in a depression. All of us have friends, family, neighbors that are out of work so it hardly seems like the time to buy a new house, handbag, fancy dinner, but sometimes it is the counter-intuitive thing that is the right thing to do.
I am not telling anyone to be irresponsible, or to purchase something they can't afford, or to go into debt. I'm not. Really, I'm not. That would NOT be good. I try to be good.
I believe strongly in paying 10 percent to the Lord and then paying yourself by saving 10 percent.
But, if you've done that and were planning to have the hallway painted, splash out on lovely red shoes or get a new hairdo. Do.
If we don't, more and more of our friends and neighbors will be out of work.
When you buy something that you can afford and have cash to pay for, you are helping to support some one's family. You are keeping the car repairman, beautician, salesperson or cruise director employed. Employed is so much more than money and security. Employed is self-determination and dignity. Employed is a spiritual principle that is a blessing of peace and a blessing of confidence and more.
So, that is my reason for promoting business (lovely items) on my blog. Business is one of my causes and I want the places I patronize, those who are talented, creative, innovative and hardworking to survive this thing. It's almost impossible in the good times.
So, if you have occasion to feel patriotic... Go shopping! .. even if it's just for a small treat..
Today, I did my patriotic duty. I bought a double blueberry donut from Tasty Donuts!!!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Doing the right thing sure tastes good!


  1. Great reminder Tif. I am going to get my hair cut AND colored next week. That is big for me!

  2. Tiffany I love this post. I have been thinking about all of the charming small businesses that are struggling lately. The lady who did the flowers at Melissa's wedding was in tears a few days ago because people just are not buying flowers these days. What a shame it would be if she went out of business. Thanks for the reminder to stop "thinking" about it, and start SPENDING.

  3. Mandy, that makes me sad. That lady is so talented.. could you believe those gynormous globes of flowers!?!? It was so bright and wonderful. A wedding just isn't a wedding without tons of flowers! :(

  4. P.S. I've seen several business close their doors around here. And, I'm worried about several others that I patronize. I can only imagine what it feels like for the people who's dreams have evaporated and the families who depended on those dreams.

  5. excellent post! Sure we need to be frugal and save but also we need to help contribute to local businesses.

    We should stop shopping walmart who imports most everything now and buy local yokal!
