Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Jillian Michaels Trouble Zones...

My sister sent me this work out.. as .. just a small hint.. you're a chub.. get off the couch! Thanks Boo! :) Anywho.. we tried it and OUCH! But, actually quite fun! Really.. Thanks Boo! We looked ridiculous and can't do push ups at all, but we had a great time!
P.S. We didn't have any small weights so I asked little c if she wanted to use some cans of soup for our second go at this deal.. She said dryly, "Do we get to eat the soup after?...??"


  1. For the record, I'm the chub. And I didn't intend any hints to anyone. I liked the book and DVD and wanted to share it with my sisters because I couldn't afford to get everyone a copy, which I totally would if I could because they are so good!

  2. Ha Ha! I love little c's sense of humor! But seriously, I still can't do this DVD with any weights at all except maybe 1 of the exercises. The thing that kills me the most is the abs exercises. I have to hold onto the couch for support and yeah, especially with my tendinitis I can't do the push ups (even the on your knees kind). This dvd really is a good workout, especially for the amount of time it takes to do 1-2 circuits.

  3. I hope to be able to report in a few weeks that I can do it all. Thanks for sending it. :)

  4. Does anybody know of a good, and preferably cheap DVD that involves an aerobic step? I inherited one from past tenants, and I'd love to put it to good use! Guess what?! I think I'm going to start up yoga next semester! :)
