Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Butterflies and Daisy Flowers Shower...

These photos are not the best. I had to take them with my shy baby l on my other arm and so I snapped them off pretty quickly.. but you get the idea hopefully. Parties at Mom's are so much fun!
Congratulations Melissa! We are so happy for you!


  1. Your mom is unbelievable. I know exactly where you get it! I'm flabbergasted at how beautiful everything is!

  2. The flowers and the gift wrap in that 2nd photo are amazing! What a pretty and inspirational color scheme.

  3. I love these pictures! What a happy day this was. And your shy baby was so adorable and warmed us all up w/ her beautiful smile soon enough. Your mom is so wonderful. I just love her to death. Such a generous party thrower, she's unbelievable.
