Monday, June 29, 2009

Pillows for the new room...

Thursday, Friday & Saturday little c, cousin j and I spent making pillows for the new room.
I was particularly interested in making a heart pillow with buttons.. I saw something like this somewhere a long time ago... I'm not a seamstress so it took awhile and it didn't turn out quite how I'd imagined. Next time make the pattern a third again a large as I would like it to turn out in the end... it's a bit small. And, while I worked and worked on the shape.. I never got one I really loved.
But, we had a great time. Little c made a pillow for her room and j made one for hers.
If you are wondering what the image is on one of the pillow (with the hair bow...) It's Mints the dog... She's the auxiliary back up dog to Pancake's main alpha dog status around here. :)
We had a fun time and added more color, which is always good.


  1. They are absolutely darling and I was going to ask where they came from.They are just perfect.

  2. I really like the pillows, especially the yellow heart pillow. No fair. How did you learn how to do this? I have no skills! Help me.
