Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Last Chance Harvey...

Dustin Hoffman plays Harvey who has done nothing very well. He has failed at marriage, parenting and did not become the Jazz pianist that he wanted to be.
He goes to London to be a part of his daughter's wedding and finds that no one really wants him there and behaves less than graciously. He's hurt and he lets it show. He takes cell phone calls at the table!!! (That actually drives me nuts!)
Then he meets a lovely woman played by Emma Thompson, who helps him to behave like his better self... I think they find that they are each other's last chance. I love films about redemption and this script has a double dose.
The script is wonderfully put together, but the depth brought to these characters by two very fine actors is simply breathtaking.
I think this sweet little film is a gem.


  1. I loved it too. Am I shallow that I loved that they let Emma Thompson have a little pouchy tummy like the rest of us (when she is shopping for the black dress)instead of putting her in a iron body shaper? Just saying...

  2. I thought it was really kind of boring. If it wasn't for Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson the movie would have totally been a flop. It was tender but too long and slow

  3. I just added it to Netflix! Thanks for the recommendation once again!

  4. I saw it twice in two days and absolutely loved it. I really loved the scene where Emma breaks down and says she won't fall in love because it will hurt and she just isn't going to do it. I cried. I think unfortunately, many people live that way; I, at one point had that attitude too. I really think it's a sweet film and perfect for just a feel good movie. The cityscape is gorgeous, too.
