Friday, April 17, 2009

Susan Boyle... I dreamed a dream...

A neighbor told a reporter that life has not been particularly kind to Susan Boyle. She lives alone after having cared for her dying mother. She is unemployed. But when she stepped out on the stage and after opening her mouth immediately turned an unkind audience into one that leaped to its feet cheering for her, she made the world a brighter and more hopeful place. If you haven't seen the video of her full performance... don't miss THIS
Thank you Susan! Your courage to achieve your dreams and the beauty of your amazing gift have inspired the world.


  1. You are up blogging early like me. This sounds like a neat lady.

  2. I thought she was joking around at first and then it was just fantastic. I dont think I have anyone sing that song any better than she did or the original. She was fantastic.

    I think we all can watch and learn not to judge a book by its cover. And for someone who hasnt had great things happen in her life she deserves a little bit of a break.

  3. This gave me the chills! Good for her. Love it when the cynics lose and the dreamers win! Thanks for sharing.

  4. I'm with Sarah. Gave me the chills too. And I love that every interview I have seen she is wearing one of the same two necklaces. I hope she remains just the way she is!

  5. I just watched this last night and it almost made me cry! What a great story of hope and dreams. I really hope something good comes of this for her and not just a couple of min of fame! Well done Susan Boyle! Thanks for giving us hope and putting a smile on my face!!!:)

  6. I totally started crying. The world is so cruel, and she was just so determined! and she sang so beautifully! even though she was nervous, she did so well. What a wonderful example. So pure.

  7. I had goosebumps when I first saw it! She is amazing and I totally would buy her CD!
