Monday, April 27, 2009

Plans Change in a Poof!

If I haven't been around for awhile.. this is why. Little c is supposed to be wearing this beautiful costume in her up coming dance recital...... we shall see. There is a slight chance that she can do it. Unfortunately, this is a photo of her and her friend S... both dancers and both sidelined until breaks heal. (Little c, going screamin' fast.. tried to jump a speed bump on her scooter. Her cute friend S fell down the stairs.) Poor little dancers.


  1. sure hope it will so she can be in the recital! poor thing.

  2. Oh, such a beautiful costume! I hope she gets to wear it.

  3. Oh, she has to do the recital! The modern costumes are so pretty, too! she got 2 of the best costumes in the show! I hope that break heals as fast as possible.

  4. Tiff...what a beautiful sketch...did you draw that? Or am I techno-illiterate and is it a photo trick. Anyway, I'm glad she has a friend on the sideline!

  5. I loved the techno trick too. And I just knew that this would be a year when she got a gorgeous costume! Rats! Rats! Rats! Is there anything at the health food store that speeds healing bones? Drink lots of milk? I don't know, we will be crossing fingers over here!

  6. get better little c!

  7. That is an absolutely gorgeous costume!!
    I hope Little c was able to wear it.
