Monday, March 30, 2009

What is it like to be you?

Last night as I was tucking little c into bed she surprised me by asking, "What is it like to be you?" It was late, and to be honest it was on the tip of my tongue to say, "Exhausting! ... And, no matter how I try to be a good mother, wife, sister, friend, housekeeper, cook, chauffeur, artist, church member, neighbor etc... ... I go to bed every night thinking of all the things that I didn't get to and how I have fallen short."
Thankfully, for once, I thought before I spoke and told her what is really the truth. "It's pretty great to be me," I said, "after all, I get to be your mom. I love you."
It's amazing what you learn from children. I went to bed counting my blessings.


  1. I love this story. I need to count my blessings more often.

  2. Oh, I so relate. I think you are fabulous in every one of those categories, especially being c's mom, and now l. It is great to have these wonderful gifts to remind us how blessed we are.

  3. Great answer. That is such a great story, too. c is such a thinker. I can totally hear her asking that question.

  4. You are talented and a wonderful mother and have many blessings. A handsome and wonderful husband and two beautiful children. Besides your beautiful in every way. You gave the right answer for sure.

  5. That is really a sweet question--she not only loves you but is fascinated by you and is studying you, taking it all in for herself. Congratulations, Mom!

  6. What a sweet story. I can hardly read it w/out tearing up. That is just such a great honest answer, what little girl wouldn't want to hear that from her mom, too.

  7. I only have one comment - Perfect and Awesome answer!!!
