Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring is Coming... Spring is Coming...

Spring is HERE!
I love this quote from Groundhog Day... a favorite film around here...
Winter, slumbering in the open air, wears on his smiling face a dream of spring!
The forcythia bloomed on Sunday. Yesterday, a storm came through and the air smells sugar sweet. The sky is blue, the markets are up, the tulips are poking their green stalks through the rich earth. Blessings from heaven are pouring forth upon us today... may many, many of them come to you and those you love.


  1. I'm sorry I haven't checked in for a long time. Bloglines didn't show anything for your blog until now, and suddenly you have 22 new posts that I haven't seen! And here I just thought you were on vacation :)

    Our forsythia only has tiny little green buds (future leaves). We have crocuses in the front yard where there's more sun

  2. Thanks for the encouragement! You know you have to love spring enough for both of us, just to keep me going until we're sure warm weather will stay!

  3. This my favorite time of year! Nice picture!
