Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Black Stallion

When I was in elementary school, I was captivated by horses. I loved all the horse books and then this movie came out.. one of the best ever films in my opinion. It expanded my imagination and made me dream that like Alec, I would have my very own Black Stallion to keep in the back yard. I rented this the other day to show to little c. She liked it, but it was not her thing like it was mine sadly... it's a slow moving film, not like the ones kids see nowadays. The beauty of the filming... those breathtaking silent scenes where the boy and the horse become friends on the island and learn to survive together... and then when Alec learns to ride his magic horse... down the beach with arms raised he is flying. It's so beautiful to watch it puts a lump in my throat.


  1. It is a good film. My mother likes it as well. She got a love for horses too from grandma and grandma since they like horses and always watch the derby.

  2. I love that movie. It is so beautiful and the horse is so beautiful. Maybe c will like it better later. But she probably would like it if it was a dog instead of a horse.

  3. I'm a fan and a horse lover. Still always wish I had one and remember all the days of riding around Hyrum with Toni Rose (my little friend). We saddled up and took off whenever we felt like it. I can hardly believe it now.
